Friday, May 27, 2011

Ciscoes On The Run

Here is a series of pictures of a print called Ciscoes On The Run. After I have printed the dark blue color I add the light blue with watercolor paints
(Ciscoes are native to the great lakes and are part of the Salmonid family. They sometimes run in schools and are sought after as table fare. On the North Shore they are generally smoked unless you are lucky enough to find some fresh at the fish market in Grand Marais.) .

Here is the print after it comes off the press and has dried for a few weeks and is ready to have the watercolor added.
The watercolor has been added and the print is now finished--now it has to be signed and the edition number added.

They will now hang for a few days in my studio until they are fully dried and then will be ready for framing.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Bear..continued I figured to help make him look more like a bear I needed to put him in some type of context such as a forest. So I cut a second block with birch trees, leaves and grass. It is getting better. I am now playing around with colors before I commit to 2 or 3 more blocks that would bring in the final color. I use watercolors to help me in the process. Here is where I am as of right now. I also took a couple of shots of the actual wood blocks. I may not finish this before the Grand Marais Art Festival but who knows what will happen. I could hit on something quickly....

The Bear

Currently I am trying to create a print from a very quick drawing. Truly most of it was in my head. Here is the Bear alone. I was going for something simple and raw. But I am told by those who shall remain nameless that currently he looks like a combination of a porcupine and a pig--but definitely not a bear ;)
Back to the drawing board...

Cedar Tree #3

Whew! I originally cut this block 3 years ago and was underwhelmed by what I saw when it was proofed on the press. It lacked any substance. But the tide turned when I was on a hike with my family on the North Shore this late winter. I finally realized I needed some lower bare branches and a lot more rocks within the large rock structure. I simply drew some more lines on the block with a pencil and began cutting. Once I was done I added the colors I had picked long ago. What you see is the finished framed piece. Finally. Hard to believe it took that long....